first day of Spring

Thank you Emma for a great night Friday. I saw gals I hadn’t seen for years and years – we ALL look ahhhmazing, plus a couple of their kids, which was so lovely. I also met some new people…….read on my friends.

I had been very cheeky piggy backing on to a Tropic party being hosted by Emma for Jayne Fisher an Ambassador for the skin care brand Tropic – which if I’m completely honest, as I had never heard of the brand, I was a tiny bit sceptical.

In true Del Boy style I hopped on the No. 1 bus at Palmeira Square in the wind and the rain with my suitcase full of jewels, clutching a bottle of prosecco. The prosecco was for the benefit of my fellow passengers you understand, to ensure they didn’t think I was running away from something awful – that’s the only reason.

Two great discoveries occurred during the evening.

Tropic is a fantastic and very well-known brand which I have been missing out on. But not anymore, in a week’s time I will have my goodies. Meanwhile check it out Tropic.

Next is the discovery of Pocket Angel…. via Alcia Loach. I see homeless people every day and always feel helpless in terms of knowing what I can do to make things just a little better for them.

Maybe lots of you already know about PA (I’m not always the most tuned in) - take a look at Pocket Angel via FB or here to go direct to their page. Essentially they provide a mechanism for us to provide food and shelter to homeless people without giving cash.

Yes there are some lovely ladies out there who are now the owners of gorgeous new jewels but for me the evening was so much more.

Fantastic catch up whilst supporting each other’s initiatives and in time, helping this charity go from strength to strength.

I’ll be in touch soon with more news and details for a fundraising and promotional event for Pocket Angel.

Love Lizzieannmoore xxx

PS. If you would like me to attend one of your gatherings with my suitcase, please get in touch. No gathering too small.

Elizabeth Moore