Hello out there!

Covid has arrived in Palmeira Towers and we’re temporarily dealing with the restrictions that come with that - even when you test negative! Unfortunately, I have had to cancel attending the Shoreham Artisans Market. However, this makes me very available to zoom/chat! Get in touch here.

25th July Palmeira Square Table Top Sale

Luckily my confinement ends in time to join my friends and neighbours having fun at this event. With over 50 stalls, there’s going to be a crazy collection of goods on sale, plus refreshments. These include the famous Angus Indian Street Food wagon. I’ll be first in the queue.

My latest discovery is Helen Butler’s stunning simple contemporary jewellery. My favourites from her collection arrive in just a few days. Click on these gorgeous earrings below to meet Helen.

My events page is all up to date - the opportunities keep flying in.

Hope very much to see a few of your faces on Sunday. Love Lizzie xxx

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